Friday, May 23, 2008

Rebekah is 11!!

Wow! Eleven years have flown by! I can't believe my little girl is growing into a young lady! She's almost as tall as me! I'm sure she'll surpass me by 13! Here are a couple of pics from her bday!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I was so shocked!!

I couldn't believe it. I took Isaac to hockey yesterday and Rebekah watched Elsah. When I got home, to my surprise, I was greeted by Chef Rebekah. She had the lights dimmed and candles were on the table. She had the table all set with special cups. She made dinner for our family! Spaghetti with sauce. ( I had picked up a few things on the way home to help with dinner but had no idea how much effort she had put into it) She had all of us sit down and served us our dinner of Spaghetti, salad, bread, peaches and a lemon meringue pie. That was the best gift I could ever get from my girl! While I was at hockey with Isaac, I was wondering what I was going to put on the table for dinner! What a great way to come home!!

Elsah will probably say da da before ma ma....just because it's easier:) she's saying ba ba da ba ba cute!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Don't fix it if it ain't broke!

Currently reading....

This is what I've learned in the past two-three weeks. I had changed Rebekah's curriculum just about three weeks ago. We were both really excited about it but have since learned that she really misses the World of Adventure program. It's easier for her to use and is in a chronological order regarding the time periods. Which makes history make sense and fun. I can still use the Charlotte Mason method with Learning Adventures so it's not that big of a deal. We got some wonderful resources that we will still end up using too!

Why is it that homeschoolers start to get ansy in the Spring Time with their curriculum? I know I do. I start to get a feeling for a spring cleaning and time to start fresh. You know the way you clean your home in the spring time, well it's the same way with homeschooling. We've been going and going all year long and we are just ready to take a break, get reorganized and feel more energized to start a new yr. I always think to myself....Is there something better out there for my kids to help grasp certain subjects. Am I doing the best I can as a teacher? Am I teaching them the right way to help them become self learners and giving them the best of every opportunity? What am I leaving out? Are they being challenged enough? Am I doing this right? So, these questions arise for me every single year.

So, during this questioning time period I decided to change curriculum thinking that this would be best. We now know it wasn't. Rebekah has a love for learning about history and living books. I already provided her with the best curriculum that fits her style of learning. Which is why I said "Don't fix it if it ain't broken." Maybe another homeschooler deals with the same. I'd love to hear from you so feel free to post your difficulties as well.

Elsah is 7mths now! Isaac, Elsah and I were on our way home from the store yesterday and Isaac goes "Mom, Elsah is trying to talk" So, I listen a little bit closer. She's starting to say Ba, ba ba....Awwww! My heart just melted! What an amazing thing to hear! I love it!

Well, that's it for now!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Yesterday we started our new curriculum. Isaac started as well. Rebekah said she really like school yesterday. One of my desires is for my children to enjoy learning.

Sunday, Rebekah was in a musical at church. Several different women sacrifice much of their time to get this together. It's a lot of hard work but well worth it. The main reason is to Glorify God and to share his message of love, that we all are sinners and need a saviour and that none of us are perfect except by God's saving grace. She had two different parts in it. Here are some pics from the musical. The dress Elsah has on is one of my favorites.