Tuesday, June 17, 2008

another Great Blog....check it out!!!

I am amazed at all of the weekly meals already listed with links!! Also, homemade baby food!!

Just click on the title...it should highlight.

It's amazing what little one's say!!

Last night Isaac had me laughing. It's hard for anyone to make me laugh so this was pretty amazing!!! I was picking up the kitchen after dinner and Craig was getting Rebekah and Isaac ready to go swimming. You see, for the past couple of weeks I've been wanting to get a new bathing suit since I still some poundage to lose after Elsah. (Maybe I can fit into my old one....I'm just scared to try) So, I've told Isaac that I'll be getting a new bathing suit soon and then we can go to the pool. Well, last night Isaac was asking about the bathing suit from last yr.(my pregnancy one) and I told him that one doesn't fit anymore. I said, "Isaac, while you are gone I'll try on my bathing suit to see if it fits yet and when you get home I'll let you know." Isaac says, "I think God is going to work a miracle!" I was laughing so hard. See, yesterday they were at VBS and he learned about Jesus healing the blind man and that it was a miracle. It's just amazing to me how little one's see things differently.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tadpoles to Frogs

Two weeks ago, Rebekah and Isaac were at our little creek near our home and found some tadpoles. This finding started a new and exciting time in our home. I wanted Isaac to see how the tadpoles changed into frogs. I've never done this before, so I had to do some research. On the week Rebekah and Craig were gone, Isaac and I went to the Pet store. We got an aquarium, food, rocks, conditioner and some plants. That's what I read would be okay for the tadpoles. However, the water was very dirty and after a day and they just didn't look ok. I did more research. We ended up getting a whole set up for the aquarium with a filter and all the things to help neutralize the PH to 7.0, two neon fish (they can live with the tadpoles) fish food, a manual cleaner for the tank and a couple of other things. Well, yesterday we got our first Frog. We noticed one of the tadpoles had all four legs and was trying to get out of the water. So, here I am again. More Research. What do I now do with the frog. Well, we put it in a small fish bowl, got a rock so he can hide and climb on, a piece a bush that he can climb the tree and leaves and a little lid filled with water. We have to make sure that it's moist inside so we spray the inside with the water from the aquarium. Whew...! We have learned a lot about tadpoles. I'll have to get some pics of the tadpoles soon...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Trip to Atlanta

Posted by PicasaLast week Craig and Rebekah went off for there Father/daughter trip. They went to Atlanta. The pics above are from CNN, Coca Cola and the Aquarium. They were able to try all different kinds of Coca Cola drinks and see them bottle coke etc. The aquarium was so huge and actually has the 2nd thickest piece of glass in the world. It's made from China so they have the thickest in the world. At CNN Rebekah was able to pretend she was in the news, see how they gave the news by reading prompts and learned how much actually goes into making news so they could be the first to present it to the people...You never know one day she might but hopefully at Fox News and not CNN. (Just my bias opinion) :) On the way home, they stopped to see the owner of the Labradoodles. We will be getting in one of the puppies in September. We've waited for such a long time to get a puppy and it 's now the perfect time. Upon entering the owners drive they spotted this snake. It's either a black racer or a rat snake. Either or, it's in the process of devouring a squirrel. Gross!!!
While Craig and Rebekah went on there Father/daughter time Isaac and I went out on a "date". We went out to eat at the new Fish and Chips and then to Goodberries. While we were eating Isaac said, " Mom, this is like we are married!" How funny! He just loved the time we had and that this night was just a special time that was just for him and I to share and enjoy talking with one another.
It's now summer time in our house. We are going to chill out with school for a while and work on living skills. Make some goals and try to meet them. I'm going to get Rebekah a savings account and then start helping her manage her money. She's got a couple of cool things going on (regarding goals/ideas) but it's just the beginning and I don't want to blurt it out. So, when she has finished a goal I'll post about it.