Monday, August 31, 2009

Second Week of School

What a crazy crazy summer! We were so busy I had no time to write anything at all~

Here we are now, at the beginning of our school year. It has started off great! R is in Classical Conversations and is doing very well with it. She takes Algebra 1, Latin, Current events, Literature, Science and Logic. She tells me she really is enjoying all of her classes. Before class started she really had a hard time with Latin. She came home the first day (they meet on Fridays only) and she is really excited about it. She has learned so many of the declensions and is actually timing herself to see how many she can get right. Last yr she had a little bit of Algebra but was not ready for Algebra yet. However, she is thinking the right questions now and is enjoying Algebra when before she struggled with just the negatives and positives. Not only does she have a full schedule of school work where she starts at 8am and ends around 230pm she swims 3-4 times a week on a year round swim team, has youth on Wednesdays at church, she will be doing Robotics one of the days during the week. I think this yr will be good for her. To be in some classes that challenge her thinking.

Isaac started school last week. He is also in Classical Conversations in Foundations. He will be doing a lot of memory work. This week we focus on memorizing counting by two's and three's, the ten commandment, the five groups of animal kingdom, the beginning of Latin, and what a preposition is. While it may seem that this is sorta crazy to be doing, this is the best age for a child to memorize all this information. When Isaac ends up doing multiplication 3 yrs from now he'll know all of the facts just by memorizing. He'll know the foundations for all other subjects before even starting. He is also tackling the phonics groups (last yr we started this but I was not rigorous in my effort since he was in kindergarten). We are working on the phonics OI OY this week. We are studying ancient Egypt too! He'll have the enjoyment of looking at a Pinto Bean and learn the diagram that goes with it. With this said, he is starting soccer on Mondays and Wednesdays with RA's on Wednesday evenings at church.

Hopefully I won't be too busy to write again....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lots of fun!

This week we started out going to the Library! What a great worth of knowledge for Free! Isaac wanted to get books on earthquakes and volcanoes while Rebekah came up to me with biographies of people. She told me "Mom, I m going to be a historian or an archaelogist and I'll need to know as much about people as possible" I m so glad that she loves to read!

We also got some really cool experiment books. The great vinegar, soap, baking soda and food coloring made a great volcano! Isaac experimented with different colors and we went through lots of vinegar but isn't that what it's about! Getting your children to experience life as learning. Many uses for baking soda and vinegar!

I do not do many crafts however I came across this great recipe for dough that you can bake! The kids made a turtle and a rock with holes in it to hold pencils.

Lots of fun this week!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

caterpillars to butterflies

One experiment that we are doing is watching Caterpillars turn to butterflies. It is sooo amazing. Isaac received them in the mail about two weeks ago. We've watched them start off as these little tiny caterpillars to huge caterpillars. Now they have entered the pupil stage. The went up to the top of the container and are now hanging upside down. Some have already turned into Chrysallides. We will be moving them into their habitat shortly! It's going to be pretty exciting to see them break out of their caccoon and into a beautiful Monarch butterfly!

Isaac is now 6

Isaac is now 6 yrs old. I can't believe it! We celebrated his Birthday on Tuesday and Daddy took the day off. We started the day off like we always do by opening our family presents in mom and dad's bed. Isaac was so excited. He got a new bike (which he badly needed), a telescope, some planet glow in the dark stickers that go on your wall, a Mario shirt, a couple of shirts from Gramma and Poppy and a game boy game. We then met with his buddies at Monkey Joes for a couple of hours. Then we headed over to play two games of bowling. We topped off his day with the Piano Cake and his favorite Mac and Cheese (the boxed kind). I think he had a wonderful day. I'll have to post some pictures today.

Monday, March 30, 2009

update on the kids

Gosh it's been so long since I have posted! I've realized that I have not made this our learning blog and I plan on getting back on track.
Today: Isaac did time clocks and addition facts. He is currently in a first grade math book. He read his McGruffey reader and did his explode the code.
Isaac is also playing the piano very well. He started about 2 mths ago. Whenever he has a free moment he gets on that piano to play....It's also nice to listen to...

Rebekah has memorized how to draw the continent of Africa by memory and label the countries and capitals. She is also working on Australia and New Zealand to do the same. She is learning her 3rd and 4th declensions in Latin. She is doing well on her percents in math. She is also writing a character analysis on the main character of The Door in the Wall book. Last thing that she is doing this week is drawing the digestive system by memory and learning about it's functions.

Elsah continues to grow and be nurtured by all of us. Every minute she is learning new stuff.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Characteristics of God Psalms 1-17

"The words of the Lord are pure words, as silver tried in a furnace on the earth, refined seven times." Psalm 12: 6

Psalm 8: 1 "O Lord, Our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth"
Psalm 8:3-4 "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man that You take thought of him? "

Characteristics of God:

-shield about me
-lifts my head
-answers me
-listens to me
-helps me sleep
-sustains me
-Blessed are all who take Refuge in Him
-relieve distress
-makes me dwell in safety
-puts gladness in my heart
-He will hear my voice
-full of abundant love
-He abides forever
-will judge the world in Righteousness
-stonghold for the oppressed
-does not forsake people who seek Him
-He has made Himself known

God's attitude Towards Wickedness:

-Does not like wickedness
-destroys those who speak falsehood
-hates the wicked
-abhors man of bloodshed and deceit
-he tests the wicked
-hates the one who loves violence
-he will rain snares
-fire and brimstone and burning wind

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

God's Grace is sufficient

Life is always full of challenges. I am trying to learn how to accept those challenges without being the one in control. Im learning how to take day by day. Have you ever just wanted life to be "just so" . No more cleaning up the kitchen all day long...and I mean all day. Having the laundry done just once a week. Not needing to pick up all the stuff lying around each day. I sometimes wish for this (well maybe more than sometimes). I wish that I could be a mom 24/7. I wish for lots of things. Reality is that's not where our family is. I m learning to accept the challenges in front of me. From homeschooling, to being a mother of three, to being a wife, to being a nurse. The nice thing is is that we all make mistakes and are not perfect. God is gracious and doesn't expect me to be perfect. Sometimes I want to be perfect and that's where my struggle lies. I can't be perfect and won't ever be. I am so glad that Jesus Christ died on the cross for me for that imperfection. He blotted out my sins. By God's Grace I am saved. Im so glad for this because I can be such a impatient and ugly person.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Yrs Resolution

New Yrs Resolution...
1-to lose at least 5 more lbs. (weight loss is probably number one for everyone)
2-to respond with kindness
3-to inform myself more about what is going on in the world
4-to take a photoshop course
5-to learn the different approaches to cooking with fresh herbs
6-to be better at time management around my house
Finally, the most important ....
time with God to be consistant.